Close Quarters is live and is taking place on June 4th! We have reserved the Maple Room at the Best Western Cottontree Inn, 1030 North 400 East in North Salt Lake. If you aren't an address person, it is the Cottontree Inn right off the 2600 South exit in Bountiful. If that isn't enough info, take the previous address and enter into google maps/map quest/etc. If THAT doesn't work, well.... I am truly sorry....
- A full 4 player team
- 1-2 Xbox 360(s)
- 1-2 Copies of Halo: Reach
- Controllers for every player
- Xbox Live Gold Memberships for all team members
- A account
We will be playing 4v4 Slayer and Team Objective games. Teams will be expected to follow all rules dependent upon the game type and participate with good sportsman ship.
Approved Maps
- Sword Base
- Countdown
- Boardwalk
- Arena Zealot
- Powerhouse
- Reflection
- Condemned
- Anchor 9
- Tempest
- Asylum
- Pinnacle
- Uncaged
- Hemorrhage
- Atom
- Cliffhanger
- Team Slayer
- Slayer DMRs
- Slayer Pro
- Team Snipers
- Snipers Pro
- Capture the Flag
- Neutral Flag
- Assault
- Neutral Assault
- Stockpile
- Stockpile Pro
- Team Headhunter
Oh, and no Tea-bagging..... No matter how deserved it might be.
Each team must have a designated team captain. The captain will be in charge of emailing me the teams registration info as well as representing the team on game day. Team captains will also be responsible for maintaining order amongst their team. If an issue arises, it is the team captains responsibility to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
Registration is open effect of May 1st. Send the registration email to with subject line 'Close Quarters Registration' without the quotation marks. The template for the email is as follows:
Team Name:
Team Captain:
Captains GT:
Selected Map:
Selected Game Type:
Teams are also required to pay a $20 team entrance fee. The fee can be paid in full (preferred) or individually. Payment will be over Paypal, so rest assured that your information is safe. The money will be going to the prizes for the top teams as well as paying for the location.
$20 Team payment
$5 Individual Payment
Teams MUST pay in advance. If I do not have record of payment on game day, the team responsible will not be allowed to compete.
Included in the team registration fee is a limited supply of food and drink. There will be Mountain Dew, Pizza, and Xe Energy drink. Please eat and drink in moderation.
Also, the top three teams will be receiving prizes. First place will receive 4 $10 gift cards to GameStop and 4 packs of Mountain Dew. Second will receive the Top Hat prize, along with a cube of Dew to do with as they please. And Third place will receive 4 certificates to Parsons Bakery for 3 free doughnuts.
Shoulder your guns, its time to roll!
Until next time,
Any idea about how many teams there are so far?