A Monument to All Your Sins
Last week my mother openly accused me of being addicted to video games. Being a gamer, I felt betrayed and offended. So naturally I delved into the chasm of deep thought in my mind and stewed over that statement. Am I in fact addicted to video games? My answer remained a steadfast no, and here are my reasons. When addicted, the person will abandon the things that are essential in life. Such as work, social interaction, and personal hygiene. I have adhered to these things in my life, and have only gamed where I have found time. Also, a person addicted to video games is susceptible to bouts of anger and rage during play. I am very capable of keeping my calm. And lastly, a person addicted to video games is hell bent of becoming the best of the best, degrading the players around him/her, and letting everyone know about how awesome they are. I strive to be a better player, but I am not consumed by that drive. And I hardly ever openly degrade those who I game with (no one can resist a good tea-bag session).
Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with L33t Str33t. Well, here is my explanation for that. I envisioned L33t Str33t as a common ground for gamers like myself, who like to game for recreation with a competitive edge. A place for those who are tired of monotonously gaming alone. I have seen L33t Str33t grow in numbers, and that is awesome on all accounts. But what is more awesome than that is the relationships I have seen form between gamers. I think that we can all agree when I say the network of L33t Str33t grows closer and broader every week. From here, all I wish for is for members to talk about L33t Str33t and invite other friends to join us in gaming. If gaming is a sin, let L33t Str33t become our monument. And let us build it ever higher.
That's going to wrap up this weeks Humpday Update. I will post another Facepalm and Inspiration next week.
Shoulder your guns, it's time to roll!
I loved this piece, describes me a little bit too, except that it does affect all aspects of my life at some points... but good news! I've just showered half an hour ago and talked to several real humans today, not over the internet.